Links and Immunization rates



The Montessori Foundation (IMC) is a national organization providing information about Montessori, several excellent books, and YouTube videos:

This dynamic website of information for parents was created by the Montessori Administrators Association.  Lots of articles:(MAA):

The Oregon Montessori Association (OMA) is our regional professional organization, and it now offers an excellent set of articles and resources for parents:

I do maintain a Facebook page for Chickadee, where short, current glimpses can be seen and shared: #




Oregon’s Office of Child Care (OCC) now requires all child cares, progrrams, and schools to publish their county’s immunization rates, as well as their own.  In Chickadee’s case, the stats do not include our few kindergartners, as they fall into school age for these statistics.  So it’s just 11 kids this time.  Here is the link for the county, and then the basic number for 2017-2018.



Chickadee Montessori LLC
# of Children at the Facility (Total Enrollment minus 18 months and younger, and not counted) 11
% with all vaccines required 73
# Not Counted (Tracked by another site or attend fewer than 5 days per year) 0
# Children (18 months or younger) 0
% Vaccinated: DTaP/Tdap 82
% Vaccinated: Polio 82
% Vaccinated: Varicella 82
% Vaccinated: MMR1 82
% Vaccinated: HepB 73
% Vaccinated: HepA 73
% Vaccinated: Hib 82