Here are answers to those certain core questions – the FAQ’s – which every parent needs to ask.
Chickadee is certified for 15 children, ages 2 1/2 through 6, with enrollment strongly encouraged through the kindergarten year. Children begin with us when they are “mostly” or completely potty-trained, and developmentally ready for a full Children’s House experience.
Most children are with us 5 days a week. For the sake of the stability of our program, only a few children can attend 4 days a week, with the day off to be determined individually.
Chickadee opens at 7:30, and closes at 5:30. Most children are with us at least 7 hours a day. Up to three children may be enrolled for a part-day schedule.
The younger children nap (or at least rest), during the early afternoon, from 1:30 to 3:00; nap schedules are individualized as needed. The older ones, who no longer nap, and the ones who just do a short rest, enjoy that early afternoon time as their second work cycle – what Montessorians traditionally called “extended day.”
Chickadee is very much an all-day program. After 3:00 we shift gears to a variety of later-day activities, depending on the day, the mood, and the season.
Although legally required to have a staff of two (1:10), we maintain a staff of three through most of the hours of the day.
Chickadee is committed to healthy and organic practices, and meets and exceeds the Oregon Environmental Council’s guidelines for “eco-healthy” childcare, both outside and inside. We serve organic milk and healthy snacks, using organic fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and grains as much as possible. Children bring a prepared lunch from home.